Traditionally, facility management services have been maintained on a campus-by-campus basis, or separated into hospital and outpatient programs. Contrary to convention, AMD Global provides oversight of health facilities with an integrated management model that is proven to reduce costs, improve regulatory compliance, and minimize the switching costs of change management initiatives.
Medical facilities management is a highly complex area in facilities management. Medical facility managers ensure that healthcare facilities, such as hospitals, surgical centers, and outpatient clinics, and public health organizations are properly cleaned, maintained, and supplied with medical equipment. AMD’s facility managers and administrators also oversee implementation of new technology and energy efficiency initiatives. Depending on the scope of our services for each hospital, our facilities managers may also direct renovations and building expansions.
The fragmented legacy model of facilities management makes it difficult to plan on a broader system level. Older approaches do not generate reliable comparison data for consistent business case analysis, resulting in a fallback, dangerous, and often politically driven approach to cost reduction that is reactive and imprecise – most often resulting in cuts at the staffing levels. The strategy of reducing staff to operational minimums can erode proactive, long-term planning to a point where even minimal standards of facility operations cannot be met. At some point, doing more with less is simply impractical, especially for something as essential as meeting the high standards of facility maintenance and building code mandated by regulations.
AMD Global equips medical facility management with staff, technology, and systems support. Our broad capabilities, including proactively educating employees in practicing occupational safety and maintaining a safe work environment, all serve to reduce costs and improve client and patient satisfaction. Overall, our programs our specially purposed to minimize risk and liability across your entire portfolio.