At AMD Global, we create facilities that integrate significant changes in the market and advances in healthcare technology. Medical office buildings (MOBs) have emerged over the last few years in the healthcare real estate industry, and are rapidly attracting investment due to their relatively low risk-return profiles.
Until recently, MOBs were conventionally designed for single-physician office space. Times have changed such that larger multi-specialty practices are beginning to occupy MOBs because of their convenience and proximity to hospitals and referring physicians.
At AMD, we are creating a healthcare destination for patients to receive their care all under a single roof. Patients are able to visit their primary care doctors, have their labs drawn and x-rays taken, have their prescriptions filled, and see their heart and other specialists in one convenient location. MOBs have begun to add procedure centers for wound care, interventional radiology, physical rehabilitation, and aesthetic medical spas.
All of our developments are fully compliant with health codes, and are optimized for energy efficiency while incorporating aesthetically appealing lighting and design elements.